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Is there fiber in blueberries?

YES! Organic Blueberries are a great, nutritious and delicious source of fiber! Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C and fiber. One cup of conventional blueberries equals one serving and provides 15 percent of the vitamin C and 14 percent of the dietary fiber needed daily. We've measured Sunset Valley Organics Vitamin C, and know you'll get twice the Vitamin C as conventional berries, and we're working out how to measure the fiber in our very uniquely grown, certified organic produce. Blueberries do not contain any cholesterol or fat and are low in calories. Include blueberries in your diet.

Blueberries: The #1 Antioxidant Fruit

The USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston has developed an assay called ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity), which qualifies the antioxidant capacity of foods. Fresh blueberries have a high level of ORAC, 2400 per 100 grams. (As a comparison, five servings of some fruits and vegetables in a typical American diet score around 1600)

In a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) laboratory at Tuft's University in Boston, Massachusetts, researchers have found that blueberries rank #1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 common fresh fruits and vegetables. Concord grape juice is next on the list with about two thirds of the antioxidant activity of blueberries followed by strawberries, kale, and spinach.

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants help neutralize harmful by-products called "free radicals" that can lead to cancer and other age-related diseases. These molecules battle cell and DNA damage involved in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and perhaps brain degeneration. Anthocyanin (the pigment that makes blueberries blue) is thought to be responsible for this major health benefit.

Blueberries May Help Reduce Belly Fat, Diabetes Risk

ScienceDaily (Apr. 20, 2009) — Could eating blueberries help get rid of belly fat? And could a blueberry-enriched diet stem the conditions that lead to diabetes? A new University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center study suggests so.

The new research, presented April 19 at the Experimental Biology convention in New Orleans, gives tantalizing clues to the potential of blueberries in reducing risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The effect is thought to be due to the high level of phytochemicals – naturally occurring antioxidants – that blueberries contain.

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